XAMPP - UPGRADE MYSQL to version 8.0


-> STEP 1: Download MySQL Community Server 8.x (64-Bit) from: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/-> STEP 2: Create mysql directory in Xampp-> STEP 3: Create a new file "g:xamppmysqlbinmy.ini"[mysqld]# Set basedir to your installation pathbasedir=g:/xampp/mysql# Set datadir to the location of your data directorydatadir=g:/xampp/mysql/data# Default: 128 MB# New: 1024 MBinnodb_buffer_pool_size = 1024M# Default since MySQL 8: caching_sha2_passworddefault_authentication_plugin=mysql_native_password[client]ssl-mode=DISABLED-> STEP 4: cd g:xamppmysqlbin-> STEP 5:mysqld.exe --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password --initialize-insecure --basedir=g:xamppmysql --datadir=g:xamppmysqldata